Learn to dance!

Country, Ballroom, Swing and Line

New to Dance Lessons?

About Tony

Tony New performing his "Lady Gaga - Born This Way" routine in the Saturday Night Show during the 2018 Lonestar Dance Invitational in Austin Texas, dancing in the Line Dance Competition, Superstar Division

20+ Years
of Dance Experience

Country Dance
World Champion

Passionate about dancing!
Passionate about teaching!

“Nothing gives me greater joy than to
share my love of dance with others.”
— Tony New

Lady want to Lead?

Fella want to Follow?

Same Gender Couple?

I welcome EVERYONE who wants to dance!

Dance Styles I Teach

A young couple learning how to Country Dance in Dance Class - Dance Lessons

Country Western

Partnership dancing done to
Country Music

Two Step
Three Step / Texas Two Step
Double Two / Shuffle / Progressive
Triple Two
East Coast Swing*
West Coast Swing*
Viennese Waltz*

Group of dancers line dancing in a public park - Dance Lessons

Line Dance

Done to a wide variety of music including Country, Pop, Rock, Big Band, Jazz, Blues and music from Stage & Screen

A line dance is a choreographed dance in which a group of people dance along to a repeating sequence of steps while arranged in one or more lines or rows.

Two Dance Couples in class learning how to East Coast Swing Dance - Dance Lessons


Partnership dancing done to a variety of Jazz, Blues, and Pop Music

East Coast Swing*
West Coast Swing*


Partnership dancing done to a variety of Latin Music


An African American lady and a bearded Caucasian Man dancing ballroom together and having a wonderful time - Dance Lessons


Partnership dancing done to a variety of Ballroom, Big Band and Pop Music

Rumba / Rhumba*
East Coast Swing*
Viennese Waltz*

*Some dance styles can be done to multiple genres of music!

Waltz, Cha-Cha, East Coast, West Coast, Viennese Waltz, and Rumba are all cross-genre dances!

Learn to Dance!